Why Slow Feeders are Essential for Your Dog's Health: A Summer Guide

Here are our top reasons why your dog needs a slow feeder

 As the temperatures rise and we enjoy the long, sunny days of summer, it's the perfect time to consider how we can enhance our furry friends' dining experience. One increasingly popular and beneficial tool for dog owners is the slow feeder. This blog post will explore why slow feeders are essential for your dog’s health and how you can utilise them to provide refreshing, frozen treats this summer.

The Benefits of Slow Feeders

1. Improved Digestion

One of the primary benefits of slow feeders is their ability to improve your dog’s digestion. Dogs that eat too quickly can swallow large amounts of air along with their food, leading to bloating, discomfort, and potentially serious conditions like gastric torsion. Slow feeders are designed to make dogs eat more slowly, which reduces the risk of these issues. By prolonging mealtime, your dog's digestive system can process food more effectively, leading to better nutrient absorption and overall health.

2. Weight Management

Slow feeders can play a crucial role in weight management for your dog. Dogs that eat quickly are often more prone to obesity because they consume more food before their brain registers that they are full. By slowing down their eating, dogs are more likely to feel satisfied with less food, helping to maintain a healthy weight. This is particularly important during the summer months when physical activity may be reduced due to high temperatures.

3. Mental Stimulation

Dogs are intelligent creatures that need mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Slow feeders turn mealtime into a fun and challenging game, engaging your dog's mind.  Providing mental stimulation through slow feeders can prevent boredom and the development of destructive behaviours, particularly use if it is too hot for a dog walk.

Summer Treats: Frozen Delights

As we embrace the summer heat, slow feeders can be transformed into a source of cooling delight for your dogs. Here’s how you can fill your slow feeders with tasty, hydrating treats:

1. Strawberries and Blueberries

Both strawberries and blueberries are safe for dogs and are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre. These fruits  (frozen or fresh) can be placed in slow feeders, topped with water and frozen in the freezer. After a few hours, remove from the freeze, top with a layer of yoghurt and voila - a refreshing and nutritious treat that will keep your dog busy! This also help keep your dog hydrated during the hotter days.

2. Cucumber Slices

Cucumbers are another excellent summer treat. They are low in calories but high in water content, making them perfect for hydration. Chop cucumbers into small pieces and add them to the slow feeder. Top with water and freeze. This will not only cool your dog down but also provide a satisfying crunch.

3. Yogurt and Peanut Butter

For a more indulgent treat, consider mixing plain, unsweetened yogurt with a dollop of natural peanut butter (make sure it doesn't contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs). Fill the slow feeder with this mixture and freeze it. This combination is rich in probiotics, which support gut health, and provides a creamy, delicious treat that your dog will love.

How to Use a Slow Feeder

Using a slow feeder is simple but effective. Choose a slow feeder appropriate for your dog's size and eating habits. Not all slow feeders do a good job sadly - we offer a huge selection of really good slow feeders in our petshop and online here which vary from easy to difficult - we are always happy to advise! Slow feeders are around £20 but we think they are priceless! In addition, a cheaper and equally fun alternative is one of these - for chewers, this is a dream. Pop your topping on and freeze - easy.  For summer treats the process is so simple - prepare the ingredients (fruits, vegetables, yogurt) and place them in the feeder. Freeze the feeder for a few hours or overnight, and then present it to your dog as a refreshing, engaging meal or snack. If you have a dog that will wander off with his feeder (perhaps to lick in his bed) and you don't want him to do that, non toxic museum putty works wonders on a hard floor. 


Slow feeders are a fantastic addition to any dog owner’s toolkit, offering numerous health benefits from improved digestion and weight management to enhanced mental stimulation. During the summer, they can be creatively used to provide frozen, nutritious treats that keep your dog cool and hydrated. Embrace Summer and make mealtime a fun, healthy experience for your dog!

Remember, always supervise your dog when introducing new foods or feeding tools to ensure they are safe and well-tolerated. Happy feeding!

For more tips on dog health and well-being, check back regularly or call us or pop into the shop!

About the Author



Sarah is a long time dog owner, lover and has completed many courses in dog training and dog behaviour. She has a special interest in canine nutrition.